22 Jul 2012

The Whistling Schoolboy.....

The Whistling schoolboy
From the gorge above Gangotri
Down to Kochi above the sea,
The whistling thrush keeps singing
His constant melody.

He was a whistling schoolboy once,
Who heard Lord Krishna's flute,
And tried  to play the same sweet tune,
But struck a faulty note.

Said Krishna to the erring youth:
A bird you must become,
And you shall whistle all your days
Until your song is done .    
By Ruskin Bond...

I was sitting outside my tent and feasting on banana chips a glossy blue  black winged bird flew and perched on a branch very close to where i was sitting......
After a few minutes gathered the courage and came closer .....
Not scared of human presence came close pecked on the banana chips gave a  solo performance of her whistling skills and  flew.....My short encounter with the whistling schoolboy.
Dense oak forests echoed of whistling call.... It is a song that never fails to cast a spell on you. Rambling in the wild spotted the glistening blue feeding on berries , shouldered flecked with white..sturdy black legs and yellow beak...

The whistle of the school boy..!

Happy Birding..!


  1. Lovely bird, haven't seen it yet. Nice poem too

  2. @Bindu, This is common bird found in Himalayas.
