30 Sept 2013

Romancing the rain and dark clouds.......

 Far away from the madding crowd, half a day spent by the side of a pond assimilating all I could in this heaven of peace and watching the pelicans elegantly swimming and romancing the rain.

 The great white pelican is a huge bird and during the breeding season the male has pinkish skin on his face and the female has orangey skin . The male birds are larger and the beak grows in a downward arc ,female bird has a shorter and a straight beak. I assume that this a pair of rosy pelicans swimming in murky green waters ....

 Immature pelicans are grey and have dark flight feathers ....

 Since we have witnessed some good monsoon, so we are going to be graced by some  gorgeous migratory birds in the coming winter. Hopefully, I am going to be back soon with some more clicks of my feathered friends .

Happy birding ....

5 Sept 2013

Acrobatic plum headed.....

I haven't been flexing my photography muscles ....

Will be back soon with some interesting clicks ....